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21st CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES Ltd, selects AMPLEMENT Technology for the deployment of their new, own branding and fully secure telecommunication platform.

Thanks to AMPLEMENT technology, the Nigerian ICT hub 21st CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES Ltd delivers KONET this September end.

KONET is new wholly grown indigenous fully customizable, real-time collaboration tool that offers Solutions to All Communication Needs, a very secured platform with enterprise grade features and compliance standards to prevent data loss, and enables individuals, SMEs, startups and businesses to become more productive online. Its features include voice, video, live chat, file sharing with brand customization and allows users to work and share.

Wale AJIESEBUTU, executive vice chairman/chief executive officer, 21st CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES Ltd, said that “KONET allows for real-time collaboration and improved productivity in your workplace. There are no limits, be you an individual looking for affordable solution, a small business owner, or large organizations” he added.

“The platform was carefully designed to cater for the needs of SMBs and large businesses organizations as they face the new normal occasioned by the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.  Our plan is to build an ecosystem to enable collaboration, most secure collaboration environment in businesses, add efficiencies to workflows and allow organizations make decisions quickly with customers, vendors and partners”.

“Our ISO certifications make us top of the line globally however we’ve ensured that our services remain easily deployed and used by businesses. This will help Nigeria as a country to rebuild the damaged economy being caused by COVID-19 pandemic”, he added

« The evolution of mobility and working methods did not date from the health and economic crisis. However, with containment, companies have realized that, while quipped with adequate communication tools, it is quite possible to develop remote working and reduce travel costs, without impacting and even improving employees efficiency » said Patrick Bergougnou, CEO of AMPLEMENT.

Through this agreement, AMPLEMENT strengthens its presence in Africa and allows 21st Century Technologies Ltd. to serve more effectively Nigerian companies who wish to improve their efficiency and economic performance.


Specialized subsidiary of the Cirpack group, AMPLEMENT is a Cloud Unified Communications and Cloud Business Telephony software specialist which provides businesses in SaaS mode with a range of collaboration tools facilitating teamwork and teleworking: its functionalities cover all the necessary needs for the operation of a company or a project team: audio and video calls, instant messaging, videoconferencing, document sharing and editing, virtual meeting rooms, workgroups … all from web or mobile applications.

Through its various solutions, AMPLEMENT improves collaboration and the daily work of companies, according to their needs. To this end, the company offers myCollaborate®, its professional communication and collaboration platform and Uniquity®, its Cloud PBX service platform dedicated to business telephony.

Over 400,000 users, companies and associations benefit daily from the advantages of UNIQUITY® and myCollaborate® solutions published by AMPLEMENT.
Contact : Sandra LABOUREY –